WRC by Twitter. We look at the best for Rally Mexico


Two of the one-off WRC drivers ribbing each other. It’s good to see…these drivers both need to get drives for additional rounds, the sport needs both Ken Block and Chris Atkinson.

A great video from Citroen with fantastic footage through the tunnel. You might be wondering about the photographer flashes. Scroll down to see the results of them!

 A great split screen of the special stage to give some great insight to the competition.

You do have to love modern technology and what it can do with film. Check out Ken Block almost flipping with this super-slow-mo.

Helicopters are there to ensure the safety of cars and bring us all the TV shots. Plus they make a great addition to the atmosphere of rally.

The Mexican public turned up in huge numbers to support the Rally and the teams put on a good show. This is one form of the sport that is being greeted well in non-traditional motorsport countries.

Colin McMaster and the McKlein group are the masters of rally photography. This is just one example. In a tunnel, remote flash, genius.

When in Mexico…

Neil Hudson is a touring car expert but he is right on the money with this rally observation. It looks like someone special will have to step up to beat Ogier and VW. Ogier looks to be this generation’s legend (early call!)

WRC is very popular on social media – given the crowd figures you see it is not surprising. Given the TV debacle and its plight in recent years, it is.

At Monaco, there wasn’t a TV deal for the UK. At least now there is. Somewhat popular on a non-mainstream channel. Hopefully more and better to come.

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