With no less than 10 special stages and a timed course of more than 107 kilometres, spread over the sections Stavelot-Coo, Spa, Chevron and Moulin du Ruy, the first part of the Spa Rally 2022 won’t lack in being a high point! What to say then about the second part of the event, on Sunday 4th December, which will be filled with unmissable, but also new sections…

8 special stages feature on the programme, with a first passage over the podium, in the heart of Spa, as from 8.30hrs. And let there be l be no doubt, because at that moment, everything is to be played for, whatever the category.
The competitors will first tackle the Fays-Show special, some 13 kilometres in length. This is a run totally identical to that of 2021. True to say that the Show part is both well-known and appreciated, prior to crossing though the village of Sassor for a rather technical descent through to the Polleur main road. And of course, to finish, the arrival on a jump to the pleasure of the drivers, the general public and the photographers!
On the other hand, new for the Spa Rally 2022 we have the Bruyères special stage! It involves a relatively narrow and sinuous 12 kilometres run between the hedges, linking Bruyères, Manaihant, Bois de Rechain and Bois de Herve. These are names presently unknown to the Belgian rally enthusiasts, but will soon become common place! Within the organisation some do not hesitate to refer to it so to speak as the event’s arbiter, guaranteeing the co-drivers will have some well-filled pace notes! Bruyères will be tackled twice.
The Charneux section, some 10 kilometres in length is identical to 2021… but run in a reverse way, in addition of a new final portion as from the Croix de Charneux! This special stage had enjoyed such a success last December that DG Sport could not leave it out when drawing up the final programme for 2022. Whichever the direction, it is both technical and hilly. And it is to be covered twice.
When it comes to Theux, it is the definite must of the Spa Rally. In a 13 kilometres version with as many new as well-known portions. This special stage, obviously narrow and sinuous, but nevertheless fast, will act as the Power Stage! This means that the competitors will need to remain fully focussed until the final Flying Finish… It is not excluded that this Spa Rally can bounce back one last time on this very special section.
As you can see, with 94 timed kilometres, two passages via the assistance in the heart of Spa, and a final podium just before 16.00hrs, Sunday will be far more than the event’s and the season’s ‘Money Time’.